Wednesday, June 11, 2014

3 Ways to Rapidly Increase Traffic to Your Blog, I Couldn’t Believe How Easy #3 Was.

3 Ways to Rapidly Increase Traffic To Your Blog I Couldn't Believe How Easy #3 Was.1. Headlines

Alright, so the first one is right really annoying headlines like the one before. Ever since the rising of Upworthy, we’ve been inundated with these terrible, terrible headlines. Why? Because they work. We see them, they frustrate us, but we can’t help but click, curiosity gets us every time. Just be very careful how you use these, you don’t want to drive away loyal followers.

2. Reach

You’ve got to be get your article in front of people. Social media is a clear choice, but places like Outbrain and other advertising networks might be worth your while. Hopefully, someone will read your blog post and repost it, sending it viral.

3. Great Content

Arguably, this should have been first. Make sure your content is helpful and valuable. If people come to your site, reward them with something good, don’t make them mad. If people show up and are inundated with ads and don’t find good content, they’re probably not coming back. How easy is this though? It becomes easier when you write good content and get feedback from your audience. You educate yourself in your niche, and the articles just flow.

Alright, there’s my 3 ways to increase traffic, what’s your guys thoughts?

How I Gained 100 Followers on Google+

Alright, so you just signed up for google+, and no one is following you. Here's how you can change that in a day.

1. Find Your Contacts

Use google+ to import any contacts or friends and family you might have. Usually, you can get pretty close to 100 by following and being followed by your family.

2. Follow like minded people.

A great way to do this is join communities. Use the search function to look for communities that matter to you. Communities are great because you can post in them without the rest of your followers being bombarded. Take me for example, I'm interested in SEO and Gaming, but not all my followers are interested in both. When I comment in the Gaming Community, I don't have to worry about my SEO followers seeing that in their feed.

After you join a community, start commenting and +1ing posts. Follow the original poster, and they'll frequently follow you back. Make sure you mention their name in the comments you leave. It's amazing how effective this is.

3. Shared circles.

Use this one carefully, because there's a lot of spammers in these. The best way is to ask people in your communities to share with you the circles they find most interesting. After you add these people, look at their streams, +1 and comment on their posts. You'll get a lot of follows this way.

After one day of using these three techniques, I was able to get 100 followers. Stay tuned for our next post and follow me on google+!